From shy to super-powered: Destiny’s Bite Back journey

Destiny reflects on being a Bite Back activist, sharing her favourite moments, and the importance of having a collective voice.

Bite Back Activist Destiny is speaking at an event, she is confidently speaking into a microphone

Young people and social activism are a match made in heaven. We bring loads of fresh ideas, new perspectives, and unique lived experiences — with a healthy dose of youthful passion for fighting for what's right. As activists, we are a fun, representative voice for young people across the world who want change.

I love being a part of this change. When I first joined Bite Back, I was a shy, inexperienced Year 12 student. I had no ‘professional’ knowledge of social activism, or the food system. All I “had” was an (unfortunate) experience of being constantly bombarded with junk food advertisements on my mobile, on the TV, on the bus, at school…

Fast forward four years on, I have been able to develop my public speaking skills — at national AND international events. I’ve learnt so much about our food environment, and connected with like-minded young people across the world!

From the beginning, we were able to get hundreds of thousands of signatures for our Free School Meals petition (picked up by Marcus Rashford), go to 10 Downing Street to speak with key policymakers, and be involved with areas that matter to young people such as sports, and social media. That was only the beginning of us biting back! We are on track to build a fairer food system every day.

My most recent opportunity was flying to Jamaica (my birthplace!) to engage in workshops learning about the Jamaican food system, and supporting young people to develop their campaigning and media skills in collaboration with UNICEF Jamaica. This was a truly insightful and inspiring experience, seeing the efforts of young people across the world.

Destiny is sat in an audience of young people with her hand raised
Destiny at a Bite Back event, 2021

Across my Bite Back journey, there have been so many highlights. My favourite Bite Back moments have been the annual summer residentials! In these moments, I’ve learned more about our mission, built my skills and created social media content. But most importantly, I made friends with people that I would have potentially never met from across the country. A standout campaign for me was our Don’t Hide What’s Inside campaign. It was brilliant as we were able to use our creativity to create the fake brand ‘Müd’, which encapsulated the manipulative tactics of some of the biggest companies, including Kellogg’s. We even took a trip down to Kellogg's HQ where we showcased our new ‘product’. Since then, we’ve taken this campaign to bigger and better heights with Fuel Us, Don’t Fool Us, which uncovered the top 10 companies, and how much they spend on marketing to young people.

Right now, Bite Back has had a massive impact here in the UK and globally. But we wouldn’t have been able to do this without the support we get from YOU. It’s our collective voices making noise that gets us heard. Join us, and let’s stick a fork in the system together!