Bite Back Statement On Far-Right Violence

Bite Back Condemns Far-Right Violence and Racism, Calls for Unity and Support for Affected Communities

In light of the recent surge of far-right violence and intimidation across UK towns and cities, James Toop, CEO of Bite Back, said:

"We are saddened and appalled to see the violence and destruction caused by the far-right riots and racism in parts of the UK. It’s abhorrent that the heartbreaking attack on children in Southport is being twisted to justify racism, Islamophobia, Xenophobia and violence.

Bite Back is a youth-led movement for a fairer food system - one where every child has an equal right to grow and be healthy, without boundaries or discrimination. The actions of these far-right extremists are against everything our movement stands for.

We are working hard to make sure all of our young people and staff feel safe and supported, while also looking further into the community. We are proud to unite with those who are opposing hatred, and we send our support to all those whose safety has been threatened by these horrible acts of violence.

Author Bio

James Toop

Before joining Bite Back, James was CEO of Ambition Institute, helping grow it into the largest leadership development charity in education. "As a parent, I notice it when I take my kids round the supermarket," he says. "Shopping feels like a constant battle to pull them away from the unhealthy products targeted at them. Unhealthy options flood our streets, screens and schools: young people are so overwhelmed by the bombardment that they can't see or think of alternatives."