Keir Starmer: Prioritise Child Health

Young activist Dev, a young tanned man with his black hair cut into a bowl cut and wearing a pale blue shirt, is holding up a protest sign saying "We're Biting Back" outside Parliament in September 2023. A tower of the houses of parliament is visible behind him.

We have a new Government, a new Prime Minister and a huge opportunity to set a bold, new agenda for our country — one that fixes our broken food system and puts child health first.

Past Governments have failed to protect young people from being targeted and manipulated by big food companies, but Keir Starmer has already said he wants to create the healthiest generation of children ever.

We’ve set out a clear plan for how he can get started and this is our chance to make a difference.

Keir Starmer has promised change. To make sure he puts improving children’s health at the top of his Government’s priority list, add your name below.


Click To View The Full Letter

Dear Prime Minister,

Congratulations on becoming the new Prime Minister. The next five years will be crucial in taking action to protect the health of future generations of children.

At a time when 1 in 3 children growing up in England face a future of food related illness, we welcome Labour’s vision to create the “healthiest generation of children ever”.

To make that vision a reality, here’s five actions your Government can take:

1. Follow through on your manifesto commitments to restrict junk food ads on TV and online and to ban sales of energy drinks to under 16s.

2. Hold big food companies to account to stop them flooding us with junk and manipulating us with misleading marketing tactics.

3. Create a level playing field so more progressive businesses aren’t penalised for creating healthier and affordable options.

4. Help local authorities create healthier high streets, where fast food outlets aren’t the only option and billboards aren’t always advertising junk food.

5. Ensure all our schools provide nutritious, delicious school food — available and affordable to all young people.

Will you meet with us so we can share our lived experiences and discuss what a healthier society looks like?


Bite Back Youth Board

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